Urinary Incontinence

Symptoms & Medications

How is Urinary incontinence Defined?

Urinary incontinence is the accidental passing of urine. It’s a common problem thought to affect millions of people.

About 3.4 million men in the U.S. suffer with symptoms of incontinence. Despite what you may think, incontinence is not something that normally happens with age or something you live with in shame.

Incontinence is a treatable condition. If you are experiencing symptoms, you should speak to your doctor about causes and treatment options.

Common Causes of Urinary incontinence

Incontinence in men can happen due to medical conditions like an enlarged prostate, overactive bladder, diabetes, or Parkinson’s disease. It can develop after prostate surgery or even due to unknown factors.

There are many types of urinary incontinence, including:

Stress Incontinence: leaks occur with physical movement or activity — such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting.

Urge Incontinence: urine leaks occur after a sudden or intense urge to urinate arises.

Overflow Incontinence: when you can’t fully empty your bladder causing an overflow to leak.

Total Incontinence: when your bladder cannot store any urine at all.

Treatments for Urinary Incontinence

Note: MediSuite’s incontinence treatments are specifically treating incontinence due to BPH (Prostate Enlargement), not any of the other diseases listed under Common Causes.

Tamsulosin 0.4mg (Generic Flomax®)
Tamsulosin is an alpha-blocker used to treat the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

MediSuite offers Tamsulosin 0.4mg 100 capsules for $45

Finasteride 5mg (Generic Proscar®)
Finasteride is a 5a-reductase inhibitor used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

MediSuite offers Finasteride 5mg 90 capsules for $40

Dutasteride 0.5mg (Generic Avodart®)
Dutasteride is a 5a-reductase inhibitor used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

MediSuite offers Dutasteride 0.5mg 90 tablets for $60


“MediSuite is truly fantastic. Their ED meds are affordable and their service is excellent!”

Dennis K.
Age 51

“This company is always fast, friendly and cost competitive! Would recommend to everyone!!”

Dennis K.
Age 51

“These people don’t fool around – it’s right every time, and every time I’ve ordered from them, it’s at my mailbox in 2-3 days, and I’m most of the way across the country from them. Great customer service in every way.”

Dennis K.
Age 51

Thank you so much for the quick response.  It is always helpful and a comfort to know I am dealing with really reputable providers. God bless you all. Thanks again.

Dennis K.
Age 51

Finding MediSuite felt like an “ah-ha!” moment. Finally, I was able to get the medication I needed and start rekindling my marriage without the stress of going to the pharmacy.

Chad H.
Age 41

Everyone at MediSuite has been very helpful in making a normally sensitive topic easier to talk about –and easier to get faster, more affordable treatment for! Thanks!

Brian W.
Age 48

After several unsuccessful ED treatments, I was reluctant to once again try a new drug. I soon found that MediSuite offered exactly what I was looking for. Never have I experienced such quick results. I no longer feel held back by my age or ED.

Steve M.
Age 55

I started taking Viagra 5 years ago and experienced great results. After years of overspending on medication, I heard about MediSuite Pharmacy and decided to give it a try. I’ve experienced no drop-off whatsoever in performance. My wife and I are happier than ever, thanks to sildenafil and all the money we’ve saved.

Frank S.
Age 65
Side Effects
Before starting this or any medications, consult with your doctor to determine what treatment options are right for you.

Like any medication Tamsulosin, Finasteride, or Dutasteride may cause mild including:

Side Effects
Before starting this or any medications, consult with your doctor to determine what treatment options are right for you.

Like any medication Tamsulosin, Finasteride, or Dutasteride may cause mild including:

MediSuite is a new kind of mail-order pharmacy —one formed to empower physicians with tools to reduce patient expenses for erectile dysfunction treatment options and other men’s health and urology-related prescriptions. Providing patients with a low-cost ED prescription ensures that they have access to the drug therapies that improve the vitality and quality of their lives.
Have questions? We can help!
Visit our Physicians FAQ page to learn the answers to common questions you may have.
Here’s Why Physicians Choose MediSuite
Better Prices
MediSuite buys generic medicines directly from manufacturers to help physicians assist in providing their patients with more affordable treatment options.
Easier Process
When working with MediSuite, physicians only need to eScribe or fax their patients’ prescriptions to our team — and we’ll handle the rest!
More Options
MediSuite buys generic medicines directly from manufacturers to help physicians assist in providing their patients with more affordable treatment options.
No Middleman
With our easily accessible RX Pad, we help eliminate the middleman between physicians, patients, and medications so men can regain their health without the stress.
Happy Patients
Because of our simple processes, easy refills, superb customer service, and discreet, quick delivery, we guarantee your patients will be satisfied.
Discover Our Latest ED Resources
As a provider, we know you understand the importance of staying up-to-date on treatments for ED. Visit our physician resources center to discover insights and information related to new treatment options available to your patients.

“MediSuite is truly fantastic. Their ED meds are affordable and their service is excellent!”

Dennis K.
Age 51

“This company is always fast, friendly and cost competitive! Would recommend to everyone!!”

Dennis K.
Age 51

“These people don’t fool around – it’s right every time, and every time I’ve ordered from them, it’s at my mailbox in 2-3 days, and I’m most of the way across the country from them. Great customer service in every way.”

Dennis K.
Age 51

Thank you so much for the quick response.  It is always helpful and a comfort to know I am dealing with really reputable providers. God bless you all. Thanks again.

Dennis K.
Age 51

Finding MediSuite felt like an “ah-ha!” moment. Finally, I was able to get the medication I needed and start rekindling my marriage without the stress of going to the pharmacy.

Chad H.
Age 41

Everyone at MediSuite has been very helpful in making a normally sensitive topic easier to talk about –and easier to get faster, more affordable treatment for! Thanks!

Brian W.
Age 48

After several unsuccessful ED treatments, I was reluctant to once again try a new drug. I soon found that MediSuite offered exactly what I was looking for. Never have I experienced such quick results. I no longer feel held back by my age or ED.

Steve M.
Age 55

I started taking Viagra 5 years ago and experienced great results. After years of overspending on medication, I heard about MediSuite Pharmacy and decided to give it a try. I’ve experienced no drop-off whatsoever in performance. My wife and I are happier than ever, thanks to sildenafil and all the money we’ve saved.

Frank S.
Age 65