How to Talk to Your Partner About Erectile Dysfunction: 7 Tips for Couples

Oct 17, 2024


Erectile dysfunction (ED) in males is more common than you might think. It’s also a susceptible subject to address, even for couples in healthy, loving relationships. But if your partner has ED, there is no alternative but working through it together.

ED isn’t just frustrating for the guy experiencing it. It’s just as hard on caring partners who often wonder why this is happening, what they might be able to do to fix the problem, and even if they are part of it.

Let’s stop right there. If you are in a good and positive relationship, then you are not the reason your partner is experiencing ED. Yes, relationship issues can contribute to the problem, but you know whether your relationship is on shaky ground. If it’s not, then your relationship is not the issue.

Regardless of why erectile dysfunction occurs, the problem is not going to go away without some honest and concerted effort – on both your parts. Relationships require teamwork, especially during difficult times, and working through ED is most effective when done together.

The big question you might be having is how? In this post, we’ll touch on some fundamental ways you can be there for your partner, encourage collaboration in dealing with ED, and even find solutions that work for both of you.


What is ED?

It’s perfectly normal for males to experience occasional difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 50% of males over the age of 40 will experience some form of erectile dysfunction in their lifetimes. But ED is a problem when it becomes persistent, inhibiting a male from achieving or maintaining an erection firm enough for sex.


What Causes ED?

There are several possible reasons your partner might be experiencing ED. It might be related to high blood pressure, stress, performance anxiety, low testosterone, prostate issues, certain prescription medicines, and other root causes. In this post, we’re not going to dig deep into why ED happens but how, as a partner, you can help the person you love to overcome it.


7 Ways To Help Your Partner With Erectile Dysfunction


Learn As Much As You Can About ED

For instance, did you know that some men with ED are entirely unable to achieve an erection, while others can get and maintain one but only intermittently? Additionally, a lot of ED cases come down to mental or emotional triggers, such as performance anxiety. What else is true is that ED, once it has manifested, rarely goes away without some form of medical attention. Use Google®, talk to your doctor, and do your research because the more you know about ED, the better you’ll be able to discuss it with your partner.


Break The Ice

Remember, you are affected by ED, too. Nothing will be gained unless you talk openly with your partner about the problem. If you’ve been ignoring the situation as a couple, be the first to bring it up. He may be too embarrassed or even ashamed to feel comfortable opening the dialogue. Yet, it’s something you must do – and the sooner, the better. Talk about your feelings. Remind him that you are doing this with him. Ensure him that you’ll get through it together.


Find Other Sexual Expressions

ED is something you’ll work through together. In the meantime, there are undoubtedly other ways to express your love besides traditional intercourse. What about oral sex, sex toys, manual stimulation, and role play? The point is, while you’re working on a solution, there’s no reason you still can’t enjoy each other without putting pressure on him to perform.


Be Willing To Try Proven ED Solutions

While nobody wants to deal with erectile dysfunction, the good news is that today, there are practical and affordable ways of treating it. First and foremost are the generic versions of Viagra® and Cialis®, sildenafil, and tadalafil, respectively. These medications have been proven to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, which, in turn, helps a male achieve and maintain a firmer erection. Both sildenafil and tadalafil require a doctor’s prescription. However, new telemedicine services have made these ED solutions easier, more affordable, and more discreet through reputable online suppliers, such as MediSuite. Talk with your partner about options like these medications. If he is healthy, there is very little reason not to see if these solutions work for you.


Go To The Doctor With Your Partner

If you collectively decide to explore medical treatment options like sildenafil and tadalafil, go to the doctor’s appointment together. By going as a team, you’re working on the solution as a team. Of course, some men may prefer going to the doctor solo, and if that’s the case in your relationships, it’s important to respect those wishes.


Reassure Your Partner About How Much He Means To You

ED is a problem. But it’s no longer a reflection of masculinity or love or how wonderful your partner is and how much he means to you. Make it clear to your partner that you value them very much, and while sex is an expression of that, it is not the only one. Let your partner know your feelings haven’t changed, and you’ll find a solution together.


Stay Positive and Pressure Free

Remind your partner that ED is a common condition (even if many men won’t let on about it). He is not alone, and today, there are more ways to treat ED than ever before. You may go through some frustrating days before things get back on track, but do your best to keep a positive outlook that isn’t putting pressure on either of you to find an instant answer. If your partner’s ED is in any way related to performance anxiety, then added pressure will only lead to added frustration.



If you’re in a loving relationship, erectile dysfunction impacts both of you, which is why you must tackle the problem together. Today, proven ED medications are easier to get and affordable than ever before. However, the first step is to discuss the situation openly and honestly, just as you would any bump in the road in your relationship. Working together, you’ll ease the frustration, lessen the pressure, and find a solution that works for both of you.


Do you have any personal or professional insights on addressing ED in a relationship?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

MediSuite is committed to men’s healthcare by providing doctor-prescribed medications at affordable prices delivered directly and discreetly to your door.